How to save by replacing SFP modules?

Waystream, Swedish technology company that has been our long-term partner, has launched a new series of superlow-power SFP modules for network equipment. The new modules support up to 10 Gbit/s speed. They help operators reduce climate emissions and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a quick and easy way.

It addition money is saved on the electricity bill. Lower power consumption also means less heat dissipation from the network equipment and that leads to a double savings if active cooling is used for the network equipment.

The new low power SFP modules, that work with all kinds of network equipment, is compatible with standard SFPs. 

They use up to 67% less energy to perform the same function as standard SFP, but it works exactly the same. They provide real savings in the power consumption of all network equipment. They help reduce the overall power consumption of the equipment in which they are installed. The equipment generates less heat, which means double savings, the cost of energy and cooling.

For example, according to Eurostat, the industry price per kWh of electricity in Germany in 2019 was € 0.150. The average carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas) emission generated in Germany per kWh is about 400g, according to

A network with 10,000 fibre broadband customers will reduce its electricity consumption in the network by up to 61,000 kWh, which corresponding to savings over 9,000 €/year. In addition, the network emits up to 24 tonnes less carbon dioxide each year, which means less contribution to global warming.

Are you also thinking about how to lower the cost of your network? Consult with our experts.

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