Solutions for the TV of the future

Our behaviours are changing. The advent of streaming technologies has separated traditional watching TV in front of a television set from watching content when they want, at any time and on any device.

Give your subscribers a new TV experience. Easy access to content anywhere, anytime and on any device. With many years of experience, much knowledge and excellent cooperation with our partners, we provide you with a safe, attractive and smart television experience.

Optisis End-To-End (E2E) OTT solution

Deliver TV content other than on a fixed network. Add services such as Live TV, Catch-up TV and Video on Demand (VOD).

Easy access to content anywhere, anytime and on any device

Optisis End-to-End OTT solution is complete, cost-effective and suitable for smaller ISP providers or several smaller ISP providers.

Stable, tested and complete OTT solution for iOS, Android and TV devices.

TV prihodnosti
Zakaj Optisis OTT

Why Optisis E2E OTT solution?

  • Flexible, complete End-To-End solution
  • Integration into your existing network
  • Lower initial investment and gradual growth of the system (pay-as-you-grow)
  • Possibility of Hosting Business Model
  • The solution is suitable for any type of ISP network based on IP protocol
  • Gain new subscribers and generate new revenue
  • We adapt the solution to your requirements and guarantee with technical support from our experts

More about E2E OTT

Live TV
Catch-up TV

Optisis HbbTV OTT solution

As cable operator, offer your subscribers additional services with the Optisis HbbTV OTT solution. As standard, HbbTV has been supported on most TVs since 2014. With the help of the application, you provide additional services to your subscribers via connected TVs (Smart TV) and receivers (Set-top-boxes).

Why Optisis HbbTV OTT solution

  • OTT solution suitable for cable operators
  • No need to develop OTT applications for different types of user devices - development of HbbTV application only once
  • Complete flexible solution that enables coexistence of CATV and IP applications
  • Gain new subscribers and generate new revenue
  • We adapt the solution to your requirements and guarantee with technical support from our experts

More about HbbTV OTT


TV encryption system

As a NAGRA partner, we provide you with a solution for pay-TV content protection for all types of networks. Conax Contego, as a state-of-the-art content protection platform, is a sophisticated, fully customisable solution that supports many user devices.

With the help of our certified engineers, you can introduce Conax Contego into your network by purchasing or renting. To avoid high initial investments in hardware and software we provide the possibility of hosting TV content protection with our Conax hosting system.

More about TV encryption system

TV enkripcijski sistem

Subscriber management system - COSMAN

Upravljanje naročnikov

COSMAN (Conax Smartcard Management) is a middleware software solution for Conax system owners or service providers. The solution is intended for managing subscribers and packages. Allows you to manage subscribers, packages and settings. The subscriber base is available via a web interface or via an API (FTP interface). All interactions and transactions are recorded, allowing for the quick detection of errors and warnings. At any time, it is possible to generate reports about user package status for the entire user base.

More about Cosman

Want to know more?

Contact us for a meeting and together we will find the best solution for you.

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COMPARING PON and P2P - "true story"

COMPARING PON and P2P - "true story"

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Deploying 10G PON: How to Get Started

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